

King's College School, founded in 1467 and located on the edge of Cambridge city centre, is an independent day school with a mixed gender intake. Boys are admitted up to age 13 (Year 9) – girls can join from Year 7 – after which point it becomes a co-educational school through to A Level. It has a strong reputation for academic excellence, being the first school out of over 50 to be awarded a Gold Award by the British Schools in The Commonwealth Trust (now the Council for British international schools)in recognition of its high-quality education. King's also has a successful sporting, artistic and musical programme and is home to around 80 different nationalities.

The school is divided into two campuses——the Junior School( Years 1–6)and Senior School(Years 7–13)with their own individual buildings, playgrounds and facilities.

The entrance to KCS is notoriously difficult to gain into, with only 2% of applicants gaining places every year——it is therefore quite common for students to spend years working towards gaining entry having completed their application process several times over. Students who do get accepted go on to study at some of the world’s top universities, including Oxford、Cambridge 和 LSE etc, making KCS one of the most prestigious private schools in the UK.

It is widely acknowledged that students at KCS perform better than any other state or private school in England and Wales in getting hold of Oxbridge offers, though the fact that they have so few applicants each year means that there are inevitably going to be many outstanding students missing out on these coveted positions. As well as the high level of academic rigour, there is great emphasis on student wellbeing atKCS, with an extensive counselling service available to all students along with a team of highly experienced pastoral leaders, all of whom play a key role in the positive culture of this school.

There are lots of extra-curricular activities on offer too, not least a wide range of sports and the opportunity to play competitively against other local and national schools. Drama, music and art are also popular choices, with numerous groups and opportunities available throughout the


我是2019届毕业的,在IBDP的两年学习中体验到了和以往不一样的教学方式和学习方法,让我看到了更多的可能性; 在A-Level的前一年半学习生活中也让我感受到了和高中完全不同的学习方式及思维方式 总之,虽然我选择了去美国读大学但我想说我不会后悔我在KES的学习与经历~
