PhD, Master and Bachelor degree programs are usually full-time. There are some part-time available depending on the department and country you choose to do your program at. The typical number of years for a PhD program is 3-5 (sometimes even longer) while master's degrees can take between 1-2 years to finish up. Most bachelors take about 4 year(s).
The main thing to keep in mind when considering whether to go for a Masters or PHD is that for most countries/departments, if you have done an MS before starting your PhD, there will be additional requirements for you to finish it within X amount of calendar days rather than regular time allotted to PhD candidates if you do decide to go this route! This is why going straight into a PHD from undergraduate is often the better option as you will not need to worry about having to complete any prior masters degree within a set timeframe. You can always go back and get another MS later after getting your doctorate(博土).
With regards to funding, 大部分大学的PhD学生都可以免学费+生活补助(TA/RA),而Master的学生一般需要交学费。但不同的项目有不同的政策,有的可能免学费但有生活费的限制;有的可能需交学费但没有生活费的补助。具体要看你所选择的院校及专业。
一般来说,拿到奖学金的可能性的大小和你申请学校的排名成正比。越好的学校,名额越少,竞争越大,拿到奖学金的概率也就越低。当然,这也不是绝对的情况。也有同学申请到排名靠前的学校并且成功拿到了奖学金。这就涉及到每个学校、每个专业对奖学金的设定情况不同。有些专业的奖学金名额是比较固定的,比如说只有2个或者3个名额,那么即使有再多的申请者,名额也只增不减。反之亦然。所以选择好申请的学校和专业也很重要哦~ 除了申请奖学金之外,你还能通过以下方式获得留学资助:
① 申请贷款。部分银行可以提供留学贷款服务,贷款金额一般在5万元至50万元不等,期限一般为所读课程时间加上6个月。在贷款期限内,以优惠利率发放,毕业之后需按时归还。另外,部分省市的教育部门会发布一些留学生回国就业的通知,比如上海市就会为学生提供贷款及还款的相关优惠措施和便利条件。具体的政策可以咨询当地的教育局。
② 自行支付学费。这种付款方式适用于家庭经济实力比较强或奖学金数额足够的同学。