


A) 461只能允许在澳期间工作,但是462则可以从事任何合法的工作;

B) 因为这两种都是短期签证,所以每次入境时所给予的有效期是不一样的。一般是3月或6个月不等。所以一般461签证持有人都会选择入关后马上续签一次,这样下次的有效期的开始时间就会是3个月后了。 而462签证就不同啦~~~它的每次有效期为1年,这样的话就可以省掉了一次入境再续签的费用啦~~ 当然还有其他的不同,这里就不一一列举啦~您可以到移民局网站上仔细查阅一下哦~ 总的来说我个人认为如果单纯从经济实惠的角度来说的话,462无疑是要比3次2次来的划算的呢~~~~


A) Subclass 461(TSS - Business Skills ) for short stay; (BUSINESS VISITOR VISA); 此类签证对于申请人的背景和条件比较严格一些,只适用于那些有商业投资经验的人。申请人必须要证明自己的生意能够给澳洲带来利益。而且这种签证通常是不给予工作许可的; B)Subclass 461(TSS 457 and TSS 482 Streams) for long stay, this is a temporary work visa stream that allows eligible skilled workers to travel to Australia on a multiple entry, multiple leave tourist or a business visitor visa and undertake temporary activity with an employer in the designated skilled occupation at the nominated level of skill C or D, without requiring approval from either DIAC or ASIO 注意此处的DIA是移民局的别名;C) subclass 461 (Skilled, Business Visitor) is another Temporary Skill Shortage stream which also involves being sponsored by an appropriate sponsor under an approved sponsorship agreement between DIAC and the sponsoring organisation. The purpose of these visas is to attract highly skilled people into positions where there are skills shortages, especially those not covered by current migration programs such as the Skills Recognitions Strategy or the Regional Migration Program. This visa has many similar requirements to the other streams but does have different criteria for assessment, including having evidence of a job offer in one of the occupations listed on the DiAC website 请注意以上三类签证的具体内容可以在以下网址中查到 URL#subsect_tss461businessvisitor 现在移民局又推出了一种新的461签证---Temporary Activity stream,主要针对的是留学生群体。目前我还没有见到过这样的签证。


我是18年3月办的,我的是旅游签。 澳洲和泰国差不多一个政策了,单次逗留时间不超过6个月。 你想呆几个月就申请几次。 我当时是申请了12个月的,分三次来。第一次来了之后,在澳洲待满两个月再去申请第二次,在澳洲待了一个月。第三次是在第二年的三月去申请的。 在国内办理的话很简单,到中信银行,交材料等几天就可以拿到护照的。
