

1. Tier 4 visas are for students who have been accepted onto a course at an accredited UK university or college, which has obtained an 'approved for delivery' status from the Home Office and is on the Home Office list of approved institutions to accept international student enrolments.

2. The visa application fees vary depending on whether you apply in your own country (for example, if you live in New Zealand) or when applying from within the UK; applicants resident outside of the EU generally pay £348, while those resident in the EU need to pay only £59 with a biometric passport but can also choose to pay extra for expedited processing (£70). If you applied online before February 2016 without a fee, you will be refunded after submitting your form(but not if you submitted it by post)——the new online process includes an automated payment option.

Note that all children under 16 do not require a visa unless they wish to work whilst studying, as stated above; this applies even if their parents hold a tier 4 visa – so no need to include them on applications unless working is part of the plan!

3. You should complete forms from the current version available on the gov.uk website. These will ask about your academic background, financial information etc. In addition, there’s usually some additional information required such as details of the institution where study is being undertaken, details on how the student intends to finance themselves whilst here, proof of English proficiency etc. Note: There was quite a lot of confusion around these forms last year due to changes introduced January 2016; check carefully which one best suits your needs. For example, those seeking further leave to remain must use Form C5, whereas those simply extending their existing visa should use Form APP, although these are similar enough that either could be used for extension requests up until March 2016. Now(August 2016)all tier 4 visa extensions/changes are completed using Online Tier 4 Service.

4. This largely depends on circumstances surrounding each individual case, but general guidelines would be for most applicants to submit supporting documents well over six months before


先恭喜题主顺利拿到Tier 4学生签! 在准备申请材料的时候,需要准备好所有能证明个人材料的文件复印件(如毕业证、成绩单、学位证等)及原件;在填写申请表的过程中,请仔细核对每一个空格的信息;在递交材料时,请携带好所有材料的原件和翻译件原件及复印件到签证中心进行递交,以确保万无一失;
