

Estonia is an EU country and has a very well developed economy. The job market in Estonia, however, remains relatively good (especially compared to some other Western countries) due to the fact that there are still many vacancies for qualified immigrants with different skills(特别是技能型人才) - especially IT specialists, engineers or business development managers;

The most common visa types for work purposes include Residence Permit for Family Member of a Citizen of the European Union / European Economic Area (Family Reunification Visa); Self-Employment Residence Permit;Temporary Work Permit;Work Permit for International Protection Seekers 和 Working Holiday Visa;

There is currently no general open call for immigration from non-EU/EEA countries since Estonian employers need to hire local people first, but you might be able to get a residence permit if you have special qualifications:

For example, one possibility exists for highly skilled ICT professionals who can provide evidence on their qualifications through the new fast track system called «Start-up Immersion Program» which is administered by Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications’ Digital Entrepreneurship Department and offers up to five years long residence permits for IT specialists who will create start-ups. In order to receive this status applicants must:

have higher education degree;

provide proofs of at least €50,000 investment into Estonian companies within two years after receiving a residence permit;

and demonstrate they were employed within three months before applying;

Applicants also cannot hold any other type of permit for stay while their application is being processed although those already living in Estonia legally do not lose their existing rights whilst waiting for the decision on their «start-up» permission - including the right to find paid employment.

In addition, according to information provided by Estonian Migration Board on its website all foreign nationals seeking residence permit or work permits should contact directly the respective employer rather than trying to apply online via e-klaar;

More detailed info


这个我深有体会,在爱沙尼亚工作签的申请期间有被坑的惨痛经历!当时我们找了一家中介办理,因为老板是中国人嘛而且也是第一次来欧洲所以比较信任他们,但是没想到最后居然被坑了,中介费收了500+欧元 然后材料交了半年多了到现在还没有下来也没有接到面试通知,打电话给使馆询问,他们说还在审核中(就是还没有开始办理)!

我现在已经不再相信任何中介了,自己也在网上看了好多资料准备自己DIY申请了 但是还是有点担心 因为之前是被坑过的。。。所以希望有经验的大神们可以给我点建议!真的很感谢!

1. 准备好所有的申请材料,复印件两份(包括护照、身份证、毕业证和学位证、语言证明、无犯罪记录证明等)原件三份以及公证双认证等材料。

2. 在网上下载申请表填写并且打印四份出来签字画押。

3. 到当地的移民局或者领事馆预约递签的时间地点。

4. 递签时带上所有材料的原件和复印件(复印件两份)及填好的申请表。

5. 等待批复(一般需要6个月的样子)—— 拿到批文后就可以去取护照啦~ ——收到移民局的信后就赶紧办退税咯~
