

1. describe a time you were surprised by unexpected news/information 描述一个你被意想不到的消息震惊的时刻,内容可以是你自己的经历也可以是你听到的别人经历的。

2.参考话题: 雅思哥上有很多类似的例子,这里给大家参考一下~ 例1- 考鸭的亲身经历:“My family have just moved to a new house, but we haven't unpacked everything from the old place yet, so I go back to pick up my favorite doll that I had when I was five. AsI open the door and see her on the floor in front of me, I say 'Hey!You are really old now – it has been more than twenty years since anyone took care of you’. Then suddenly I remember I am not 5 anymore, and laugh out loud at how stupid I am being” (分享来自雅思哥)

例2- 网上看到的例子: “A friend called me one day and said he saw my car parked outside Good Luck Grocery Store. I was stunned;how could he possibly know where I had parked after two years of not living there? We talked about it for a while and realized that someone must have seen us drive into the parking lot, told him what kind of car I drove, and he based his guess on the make and model of my car.... After some thought, we decided this unlikely tale might be true. And so ended our conversation as we laughed hysterically at our own folly” (分享来自雅思哥)

3.参考答案: 我这次考试遇到的情况跟楼主非常类似,也是考前看了题库但是完全没看到这篇文章,考完分析了一下应该是在part 2被扣了点分数。我的经历可能更适合答这个题该回答什么。

第一点是一定要真诚地表达你不知道这件事的时候你的反应是怎么样的——惊讶、怀疑、自嘲等等,而不是一脸我早就知道了的表情。 第二点是你的回应中要有对这件事情的影响和思考。

例1中的考生通过回忆童年时代的一件小事来反映父母的用心和对她的爱; 例2中的考生通过朋友认错地盘这件匪夷所思的事来反思自己和朋友之间的关系以及自己平时处理问题的方式。 如果没有这两点的话,你的答案再高大上也拿不到高分。 因为考官想知道的不是“你应该怎样”而是“你会怎样”。 你是不是可以用冷静理智的态度应对突如其来的消息?还是说你只能像我自己一样傻笑半天然后说自己运气好? 这都是他们想知道的。
