本人,某非211学校,本科,师范专业(数学),现在美国硕士在读(数学统计方向),托福105(一次考出来,无SAT/ACT成绩),GPA 3.98/4.0,AP四门5分/6分(微积分AB/BC,统计学,计算机),大一大二GPA满绩点,大二获得学校奖学金,大三上申请到了美国的ED项目(免托福、SAT,有奖学金),录取了杜克大学,圣路易斯华盛顿大学,布兰迪斯大学,东北大学等。我按照我们学校的模板写了课程描述,下面是我的一小部分简历内容:
Course Description for Major Courses (70 words each) Math Analysis I & II Calculus BC, MAC, MCA, MCM, and AP Macroeconomics Microeconomic I & II Principles of Statistics Intermediate Qualitative Data Analysis Regression Analysis and Linear Models Probability Theory I & II Optimization Methods Numerical Methods in Multivariate Analysis Advanced Computer Programming with C++ Machine Learning Neural Network Deep Learning High Performance Computing for Computational Biology and Chemistry Complex Networks and Graphs
Personal Statement Why do you want to study in this program/university?Why is it right for you?What do you hope to get out of the program? What are your career plans after graduation? Do you have any questions about our program/university?Anything else we should know about you? You can also include a summary of your extracurricular activities or your research experiences that demonstrate your leadership, community service, or other personal accomplishments.