

2019年雅思考试官方指南中,对于「Greetings」这一题给定了两个题目。 一个是Do you have a preferred way to greet people in English(你用英语跟人家问好时有偏好吗)另一个问题是What are your answers when someone asks "How are you doing" in English(别人问你“你好吗”时你该怎么答) 其实这两个问题问的都是一个事儿——就是问考生有没有自己的「习惯性问题」。这些问题可能包括自我介绍、可能包括家乡、可能被问最近忙什么等等。这些看似是闲聊的问题实际上都是考官在测试考生在日常交流中是否会出现卡顿的情况。

如果考生提前准备好一套适合自己的答案的话就可以轻松应对了。 我这里给大家提供了两份回答模板分别适用于商务场合和日常休闲场合的问答。大家可以根据自己的情况使用。

答题样本一: 答主是一名英语专业的大四学生,准备赴英留学。所以这个问题对我而言真的很重要。我经过认真的思考以及对以往答题情况的分析总结出了一套自己的答案。这套答案不仅适合于本问题还适用于类似问题的作答。


Hello. My name is XXX. You can call me XXX. And I am very happy that we get the chance to talk today,my heart sank [注1]when I read this questionnaire but now it's flying again. So talking about favorite things would never be an overstatement for me and I will show my excitement on every question you ask. I think I won't need to list all of my favorite subjects because they are so many. But if I had to pick up one or two from my entire curriculum vitae then my answers would probably be Psychology/Philosophy/English Literature. And here lies my reason why this question is important to me and not to others.

The reason why I chose those topics was that there were always questions asked during class discussions related to Human Nature/Emotions/Choices etc. In other words, these fields interested me the most and the more we talked about them, the more excited I got. That's what I wanted people to know about me----that I care about human beings, their thoughts and their feelings and that I enjoy discussing everything that has to do with us as human beings in this world.

To sum up, my answer to the question “What is your favorite subject?” is “People“. Because without them,the world would be a dull lonely place no matter how wealthy, powerful, or famous we become. And that makes this question very important to me.




2、对于主考官,大家一般都称为sir or madam,有的同学知道主考官的名字会直呼其名,如果你有把握主考官的名字是什么,也可以这样称呼,但是要知道这一点对非英语母语的同学还是蛮难判断的,所以还是不要轻易尝试,以免闹笑话。

