1.多大没听说过有会计的master,至少是full-time master。只有phd in economics和master of finance 前者不需要gre,课程比较多后者需要gre,适合未来想做quant的人。 两个都需要很高的gpa(3.5+) 和很强的量化背景才能申请到。录取者基本都是国内top本+top硕+高gre(400+)+强量化背景(很多coursera上过的课都不算数,必须是在学校里上过课学分超过一定数量才能够申请)。
2.osu的majors没有接触过不了解。但是osu的master of accountancy (msa)是专门给有一定工作经验的人设的。 录取者都是本科中上游985/211 + 中游绩点+一般实习经历。虽然不要求gre but high gpa and strong quantitative background are helpful if you want to get into top level firm after graduation. Msa has three concentrations: audit & assurance, consulting, and tax. The last one is considered the easiest by most alums. In order to be successful in a full-time career as an accountant on Wall Street or in Big Four firms, I would say it’s important to have at least 2 years of relevant work experience, high gpa and good gre scores, and solid mathematical / quant background(至少math,econ,stat等偏理科的专业吧). 如果未来想在投行啊四大啊这些公司工作的话,最好有两年左右的相关经验,高分gpa,好gre成绩,扎实的数学基础(至少是商科需要的数学功底,不要学经管!)在申请时很有帮助。