我猜题主是想问,在英国办理中国护照的入境签证? 如果是这个意思的话,答案是不用,中国公民持中国护照进入英国的边检环节只检验是否持有有效的中国签证/入境许可证(Visa/Entry Permit),不验护照上的出入境章或签证页。 所以只要拿好你的中国护照和大签小签就OK了! 如果还有疑问可以查看中英双方外交部的官网,都有很明确的说明。 中国外交部: 中英两国政府关于中国公民赴英旅游及定居有关事项的通知 一、根据2014年1月9日中英两国政府发表的《关于对双边免签协定履行的联合声明》的规定,自2015年7月6日起,下列中国公民凭有效的中华人民共和国护照可免办签证出入英国: (一)因私事出国旅行的中国公民; (二)申请英国永久居留证和英国公民身份,在移民和国籍事务局批准其申请前前往英国的人员。 二、上述中国公民如在中国驻英国大使馆申办入境签证时须出示前往目的地的联程机票或其它有效旅行证件, 以及本人已缴纳往返机票费的证明文件。 三、持有效中国签证和入境许可证的上述中国公民入境时,须向边境官员出示该证件原件及复印件。
英国驻华使馆网站: Entry requirements for China The Home Office has announced that as of Wednesday July 8, nationals from mainland China can enter the UK to visit or stay for up to six months without needing a visa. For more information see: http://www.gov.uk/government/news/chinese-citizens-now-eligible-to-visit-and-live-in-the-uk-for-up-to-six-months-without-a-visa This means you don't need either a Chinese Visa or an entry clearance document from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office called 'authorisation to enter the United Kingdom' (ATUK). You will still, however, be subject to immigration controls when arriving in the UK and so will have to show your passport and travel documents at border control. All travellers entering the UK must also have evidence of their onward destination and sufficient funds to cover their stay. Note: If you are staying long term, you may need proof of private medical insurance. Also note that this change does not affect the requirement for Chinese tourists travelling under a tour group package to hold a valid tourist visa.