1、Why do you want to immigrate to the United States? You have family or friends here, right? 问为什么要移民到美国,有没有亲友在这里,如果有的话再问一些细节问题。
2、What will your job be in America? (如果你是高学历的话)你将在美国做什么呢?(问你的职业)
3、How can we confirm this information? 我们怎么知道以上信息是真的呢?(问如何证明信息属实)
4、Have you been outside of China within the past five years? You are required to answer "yes" if yes, where did you go, and for what purpose? 五年之内去过美国以外的地方吗? 如果去过,去的是什么地方,干什么去了?
5、Did you ever apply for a US visa or any other kind of visa elsewhere? 有没有申请过其他类型签证的经历 (婚姻类签证会有相关问题)
6、Were you ever refused a visa anywhere? 如果有被拒签的经历还会继续追问原因。
7、Does it mean that you don't have enough money[for immigration] 你没足够的资金办理移民吧!
8、Do you speak English? 你会说英文吗?(如果不会就问为什么来美国却不学英文)
9、Where is your passport now? 现在你的护照在哪里? 一般就这些问题了。