

Haberland is a city in central Ohio. It was originally called Adamsburg after its founder, John Adam. In 1836 the post office was moved to a nearby settlement that had been named for an early settler's family,the Habers。 The two communities were merged into one and took the name of Habberland。 By 1852 more than 90 percent of the residents were German-American。

In November 1843, the first Lutheran Synod of Ohio met at Haberland church, establishing the largest Lutheran body within the state, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS)。 Today the LCMS has about 2 million members in almost every U.S. state.

The area around Haberland is still primarily German-American and Lutheran。 About half of all the people who live there speak German as their native language; many children of these families attend the region's five German-language public schools。 And on June 17, each year, the town celebrates with a festival honoring its pioneer roots by reenacting an 1836 Indian attack on a settler's home.

