

新题一出来,就马上来答题! 先来看看这次雅思口语的新题有哪些(A类) Part 1 新题(共45题) 1.What did you do during the winter holidays? 你寒假做了什么? 6.What sports or games can improve your hand-eye coorination? 什么运动能增强你手眼协调的能力? 8.Do you prefer to walk or drive when you go out for a weekend trip? 为什么要去周末旅行? 10.Is being successful an inherent quality of some people? 人是否可以生来就是成功者? 13.Do you think it's more important to succeed in life than to be happy? 你认为成功的意义大于快乐吗? 14.Does money always lead to happiness? 有钱就能幸福吗? 16.How often do you read news on line? 你平时在线阅读新闻的频率是高还是低? 19.Which is a more important consideration when choosing a place to live? 是选择生活的城市时考虑的因素有哪些? 旧题回炉(共10题)

1.Do you like making plans for your free time? 你是否有为自己空余时间做出安排的习惯? 3.Do you want to continue studying after you finish high school? 高考后你想继续深造吗? 4.Would you say that you are a creative person? 你认为自己是一个有创造力的人吗? 5.When you make decisions,do you consider the opinions of others? 在做决定的时候你会考虑他人的意见吗? 7.Have you ever been to Canada? 你曾经去过加拿大吗? 9.Will your next trip be around the corner or across the ocean? 你的下一个旅途是近在眼前还是远在天边? 10.Can one make up his/her mind on his own? 能靠自己一个人作出决定吗? 11.In what ways has technology changed the way you make telephone calls? 科技如何改变你打电话的方式? 12.Has the internet helped you find answers to questions you had wondered about? 互联网能否帮助你解决疑问? 13.Does social media increase or decrease our sense of being linked to other people? 社交媒体是拉近我们与他人距离的还是让我们渐行渐远? 14.Should governments invest more in scientific research and technological development? 政府应该加大在科学研究和技术开发上的投入吗? 15.To what extent should parents interfere with their children's choice of career? 父母在孩子选专业方面应干涉多少才算合适呢?
