

NUS 研究生分为以下三种类型,授课型(Taught Master's)、研究型(Research Master's)和高级研究所(Advanced Institute Of Management)。授课型和研究型的硕士一般是1年-2年的时间,而高级研究所的则是3年时间。

一、授课型硕士 以商业与经济学院为例,授课型硕士的课程设置如下: 总共需要修读46个学分才能毕业,其中必修课5门,选修课3门。每个学期修读两个科目,一年修读4门。如果学生选择分两个学期完成课程的话,那么每学期需要修读两个半科目。授课型硕士学位一般需要1-2年的时间完成,每学期的学费是4095新币(约2万元人民币)。

二、研究型硕士 作为全球顶级的院校,NUS的研究型硕士在设立上也是高标准严要求,对申请者有极高的要求。以Master of Science in Statistics 为例,申请要求申请人拥有数学,统计,计算机,工程或相关学科的本科学位,并且具有优秀的本科表现及成绩; 雅思总分7.0以上/托福成绩100+。同时,还需要提供两封推荐信以及个人的研究计划。

三、高级研究所 该项目的申请和要求跟授课型和研究型硕士类似,主要是面向有能力并在学术领域有浓厚兴趣的学生,为学生提供丰富的知识和深入的技术培训。该项目为期3年,每年招收30人左右,项目费用约为8万新币(约40万人民币)。


Master of Science (MSc) in Statistics is a 14-month full-time programme. There are two options to choose from for the MSc degree: MSc(STAT) and MIAF.

This option will help you acquire skills that can be applied across different industries and roles, such as data analysis, machine learning, statistics and quantitative methods. In addition to acquiring knowledge and expertise, this Master's Programme offers students opportunities to make new friends with like minded individuals and build connections to industry partners through our many events and social activities.

Statistics is an ever evolving field in science and technology, so we regularly review modules and subject content of our courses to ensure they stay up-to-date and relevant. We keep abreast of developments on current topics by working closely with academia, industry and other universities around the world to understand what is needed for our graduates to succeed in their future careers.
