1. 出国办手续“获签”,这个“获签”是“get my visa approved"吗?还是别的说法?
2. 如果我要跟老外说我在申请美国签证,我应该说 i'm on a visa application (process) for USA visa 我在申请美国签证过程中呢? or do I say something like: am waiting to hear back from the embassy whether they will grant me VISA approval 这样对么?
3. 如果我跟客户说我的签证被批准了,是i have got an American Tourist Visa Approval, is this correct? 因为Visa Approval听起来好像是我申请的visa已经被批准了,不是还没批准嘛!
4. “被拒签了”,如果我说I get rejected with US VISA, 这个rejected 是get rejected by...? 或者I was denied entry into U.S A by Embassy Staff 对不对呀?感觉好像是被某个某人拒绝了一样。。。有点别扭
5. "我被邀请面试",英文咋说? Am invited for interview at US Consulate?
6. "我被通知面试",是am notified of invitation to go over there and discuss why I should be granted US Visa 这样说吗?
7. "我去大使馆面试, "我应该用哪个词? go through Interview / go to the interview? 感觉go to interview 好像去约会的意思(-_-)
8. ”大使馆通知我面试通过了“,是不是i’ve been admitted to enter United States?还是to be admitted??
9. 拿到签证之后,是说got my passport stamped for VISAT,还是stamped with VISA?因为感觉passport stamped好象护照本来就被做什么记号了的意思啊?