

1. 旅游签转学签 (Visitor Visas to Canada) 如果申请人是持有效中国护照且在中国大陆出生,则申请学习类入境允许以旅游签证进入加拿大后转为学生类。但此类申请人一旦在境内被拒签,将丧失移民法赋予的在境内的反拒权利(RRO)。因此,申请人最好在来加时有明确的留学计划并准备好相关的证明文件,如学校的录取通知书、学费和住宿费的收据等。

2. 学签转学签(Study Permits in Canada) 如果是已在加拿大的境外申请人获得学校录取通知书,那么他们可在加拿大驻外领事馆申请入学签证,也可以在抵达加拿大后再向移民局申请。只要满足“合理理由”的移民监规定即可(例如:上学期间必须居住在加拿大并且不能在其他地方打工)。

3. 工作访问签转工签 如果您已经持有访客签证VISA, 并且前往加拿大是为了短期的工作目的或者参观朋友亲戚都可以尝试申请Work and Travel Program。如果符合要求可以成功获得加拿大工签。注意该方式不适合长期居住于加拿大,并且需要在入境时向边检官说明情况。

4. 移民类别移民(Immigration categories Immigration ) 技术移民 经验移民 家庭团聚 魁北克移民 投资移民


1.技术移民Skilled Workers,又称 普通技术移民 Skilled Trades.根据你的年龄、教育程度、工作经验和英语或法语能力来决定你能否得到批准。这种类型的移民没有最低存款要求,也没有职业限制。需要提供语言能力和学历证明以及工作经历的证明,然后去指定的国家/地区进行体检。对于某些省份,您还必须满足该省的特定要求,以确保您可以定居在该省而不必等待很长时间才能处理您的申请。

2.商业移民Business Immigrants包括两类:商业移民和投资移民。如果你是一个企业家,你通常会被归类为一个商业移民。如果你是投资者,你会被归类为一位投资人。

二.家庭与亲属移民 Family Class is for those who are related to a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, such as parents, grandparents , siblings, children, foster children, step-children , grandchildren, nieces, nephews, unmarried partners of Canadians, permanent residents and spouses , common-law partners who want to live permanently in Canada. You can apply under the family class if you're at least 18 years old when applying, have proof that your relative is a Canadian citizens或permanent resident,and meet certain eligibility requirements. If there is no available space in the family class pool , then your application will be placed into the pool called " waiting room" which means it takes longer time before they process your application, usually many months to years later. When additional spaces becomes available again , people with applications on file receive letters advising them whether their files remain valid until the date indicated by immigration authorities based on the latest information provided by the applicant. Those whose files do not expire would then go through the process all over again from beginning, including collecting more documents etc.

三.难民与庇护 Refugee Refugees are people seeking asylum because they fear persecution or serious harm back home. People qualify for refugee status


1、网上办理 登录“签证申请中心”网站,选择申请类型和目的地;阅读须知并签署文件进行在线填写表格(约需时30分钟);支付签证费用,完成预约(付费后收到确认邮件); 网上签证申请的提交过程包括上传护照照片,扫描/拍照身份证正反面,签名扫描或拍照,以及扫描/拍照申请材料等四个环节。

2、通过代理人递交 有朋友想自己办理加拿大的移民和留学签证也可以委托我们帮你们去办理哦!只需要提供个人资料给我们就可以啦,后续的工作我们都会帮您完成哒~
