4月最后一场考试,真的遇到大换题了!(虽然我每场考试都要遇题库,但每场都是换一部分) 下面是我这场考试的题目和答案(回忆版),大家可以参考一下。
口语部分 Part1 新题:
1.Do you think a person can improve their good looks with cosmetic surgery? 为什么要整容?为什么有的人整了容变得更丑了?(这个题目似乎在探讨颜值和自信的问题...)
2.What is your view on marriage and family? 家庭/婚姻观。(旧题重现啊!之前没复习好这个问题,没想到这次抽到了。开心开心~)
3.What are the differences between boys' and girls' rooms. 卧室的差异 Part2 & 3 旧题
1.Describe an occasion where you were proud of yourself for what you have achieved. 最自豪的事情是什么时候?为什么自豪?(和爸妈的骄傲话题哈哈。)
2.Tell me about something that someone did to surprise you. 你被谁惊呆过?(这个问题问的我目瞪口呆。。。)
3.Is success measurable in money or things? 有没有一种成功是金钱买不到的?(这个问题好像有点哲理呀~~)
1.What problems does the professor’s research suggest may be caused by green space loss?
2.In response to question 1,can you give some examples?
3.Are there any other issues related to urban green spaces? 这个提问的顺序我忘了...反正就是根据题目的问题来回答问题便可。