

不需要,美国移民局规定,持J、F或M签证来美就读的学生和访问学者入境美国时无需接受健康检查(Immigrant or non-immigrant health examination)。 但需要注意的是,在获得学校录取通知后,需向学校提供过去三年的成绩单和健康证明。 如果学生之前在美国有短期学习经历并且超过6个月,那么需要准备DS-2019表以及SEVIS Fee收据才能合法停留在美。

根据最新规定,若学生在入学前365天之内进入过美国且停留时间满6个月,需在入学前的14天内前往美国参加学校的入学报到及体检(Immigration Medical Examination for Non-immigrant Children - Form I-693),否则会面临拒签风险。



不查,我是J-1。 不过我有美国移民局发的文件,上面写的需要检查的项目如下(仅做参考):

1. Immigrant and Visa Applicant Information Sheet (Form I-797) signed by the applicant indicating that he/she is aware of, and understands what is required to maintain status as an immigrant in the United States;

2. Photocopy of Alien Registration Card or other document showing date and place of birth;

3. Photocopy of passport showing admission to the U.S. on a J visa. Photocopies need not show all pages of the documents submitted for approval, but must be legible with respect to any page where it will be important to see if there are stamps or markings from immigration officials;

4. Medical Examination Report Form MVE(60) completed no more than one year prior to the interview, issued by an authorized civil surgeon or other health care professional who has been trained to administer this form. All questions must be answered completely and truthfully. The report shall include the applicant’s name, address, telephone number, date of birth, sex, height, weight, color of eyes and hair, race, nationality, occupation, date and place of issuance of current passport, country where applicant was born, name of parents, citizenship at birth, and whether applicant ever denied being a citizen under penalty of perjury;

5. Proof of financial support while in the U.S., e.g., bank statements, credit card bills, tax returns, etc. In addition, applicants should submit proof of adequate funds to cover expenses during their stay in the US and return to their home country, including air fares and tuition fees;

6. Copies of paid receipt from sponsoring organization confirming payment of I-173 application fee.
