F1: 白色,白底. M1: 和f1一样 B1/2: 黄底,visitor visa 访问类. B2: 白底,visitor visa ,和b1/2的差别是b2可以学习,读书. C1,D : c1是到美国面试转到移民排号的,一般是申请i485转学生身份的d1,d2等;d 是移民签证.
A3, A4: 来美探亲 (categorical immigration status) 绿卡持有者或永久居民配偶及未成年子女. R1: 在美国境外签发的宗教活动家签证,由C.B. 级官员签发.
L1 :跨国公司经理签证. O: 特殊人才,如科学家, 教授, 运动员 etc. E: 工作签证, 包括E1, E2, E3 , e1, e2一般给投资移民和企业家, 有绿卡要求的.
E3是给澳洲农民的, e1,e2还有给一些音乐艺术家, R: religious worker 的签证 , P: 特别移民签证 (specialized immigrant status)
R-1, R-2 and R-3 visas are for foreign nationals who wish to be employed in the United States as a member of a religious group, or to provide services in a religious capacity. The term “religious group” refers to an organized system of faith with established ecclesiastical leaders and rules governing doctrine, practice, and governance. This includes churches,synagogues,mosques,and other places of worship,as well as religious organizations such as the Mormon Church(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints), the Buddhist Society, or the Hindu Temple.
G: 互惠生 H-1 : professional workers, 比较专业的技术工人 h-1b 是每年6.1号抽签, 如果抽中就可以在美国工作三年, 但是如果已经拿到h1b签证的人离开美国, 那么他的h1b签证就作废了, 所以一般h1b都是长期在美国工作的. I: 外交人员 J: 一项培训计划 K: 难民 (refugees) Q : 中东特赦难民 (persons granted asylum under certain provisions of law pertaining to persons from the Middle East) V: 退伍军人 W: 外国人获得公民身份